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Memories of paradise

We were heading for Peucang Island located in Panaitan strait, around three hours sail from Sumur village. But with no terminal, the two ships that were to take us could not berth properly so we used smaller intermediary vessels to board.
“No terminal is built so as to enable locals to share the earnings from ecotourism by hiring out their boats,” said Mirza Sharz from Koperasi Gema Umat (Kagum), a cooperative established to boost the area’s tourist industry.

Kagum was founded in 1999. The local people, comprising mostly of ship and boat owners, caterers, coral transplant farmers and artists are affiliated with this community-based ecotourism management partnership.

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1 komentar untuk "Memories of paradise"

Freelancer 17 Juli 2012 pukul 16.21 Hapus Komentar
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